First Call

The International Conference of Production Research, ICPR- Americas 2012 aims at exchanging experiences and encouraging collaborative work among American researchers and practitioners. It also has the objective of planning and organizing the activities of Americas Region of the International Foundation of Production Research for the next decade.

The Conference venue will take place in the building of the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Santiago of Chile, which is part of the University Campus.
The conference includes two types of activities.

•    Usual presentation of papers in the area of Production Research.
•    Roundtable discussion of two main themes (Theme A:  Innovation in Production Research and Theme B: Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing Strategies). Papers are also welcome as a contribution to the themes.

Note: Theme A has been changed to "Innovation" due to the number of papers received in the subject.

Location: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Santiago of Chile


Participants:     US$ 250
Students:    US$ 100

More information:



Papers Presentation

The presentatiosn should be made in any of the three languages of the conference. However, the slides of the ppt presentations should be in English.

They should last for a maximum of 15 minutes, including questions.

In all rooms, a computer and a proyector are available.

Topics of Interest:

The topics of interest include. but not limited to:

Industrial Engineering

Virtual Engineering

Concurrent and Collaborative Engineering

Digital Production

Technology and Innovation Management

Multidisciplinary Product Development

Work Design, Human Factors and Ergonomics

Surface, Micro, Nano Technology

Production Technology, Systems and Management

Advanced Manufacturing

Lean Production

Assembly Line Technologies


Green Manufacturing

Production Quality and Standards

Service Engineering

Service Management

Hybrid Products

Maintenance and Reliability

International Production

Production Networks

Innovation Clusters

Supply Chain Management

Environmental and Social Issues

Resource Efficiency and Sustainability


Selected papers will be published in journals such as "Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management" , "Revista Produção" and "Iberoamerican Journal of Industrial Engineering".

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